
I don’t like to make it about me but I want to let you know who’s behind the new shop on the block..  

My name is Lauren Lombard, but my husband and friends call me Bees – a nod to my maiden name, Beesley. I’m a coastal Connecticut expat, but I've called Boston and its ’burbs home for more than 20 years. I’m a right-brained, visually creative type who survives on wit, a millennial with an old soul, and a Jill of many trades.

My professional journey has run the gamut. I’ve worked in education, (resale) retail, the restaurant industry, (e-commerce) customer service, wardrobe styling, and photography.

Through it all, my passion for clothing and style has remained a source of joy. I shop second hand, first. I love hunting for pre-loved gems, the thrill of a new-to-me deal, and I find a zen feeling sifting through racks for hours. I feel that the diverse inventory found in resale shops allows us to choose items based on personal preference rather than societal expectations. I’ve long dreamed of having my own shop where I can use my combined skills (and thrills!) to bring this joy to others.

That dream is became a reality with The Round Rack.

I spent almost a decade working at The Closet on Newbury Street, learning the intricacies of the consignment industry. The name of my shop, The Round Rack, is inspired by a display at The Closet where we featured our finest pieces. It is also a play on words signifying the recirculation of resale. 

I’ve explored the realm of online resale but I’ve always been a brick-and-mortar girl at heart. For me, nothing rivals seeing, touching, and trying on items in person. The atmosphere of a shop can evoke emotion and experience in a way that online shopping simply can’t replicate. Above all, I want to go beyond the basic transaction: I value the genuine human connections that can be fostered in a physical space.

I'm so excited to bring The Round Rack to our community. Thank you for being part of my story!